Saturday, April 30, 2011

Surprise! More Studio J

Taking advantage of the Studio J special for April I created 14 new layouts in the last few days.  I scrapped the amazing trip Amy & I took last month to visit our other sister Jody.  Jody had been deployed and was heading home and a Tiger Cruise was offered.  Amy & I jumped at this incredible opportunity to spend 3 days on an aircraft carrier.  I will admit - I turned a little green the first day, but I was better after that.  I probably could have done more layouts as between Amy & I we had tons of pictures, but figured I could put a couple of pages of just pics in my scrapbook.  Here's a look at our trip:

I also worked on some pictures of Austin from this winter and some from 2007 when we attempted to take a family picture with me, Nathan and 2 dogs.  Let me tell you dogs are just as bad as kids.

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