Sunday, April 18, 2010

My First Scrapbook Pages

I have finally put together my first scrapbook pages with pictures.  I have been a cardmaker for many years and when I became a Close To My Heart consultant 2 years ago, I decided that I would give scrapbooking a try.  When I received my starter kit 2 years ago I put together 2 sample pages just using some random pictures.  They weren't bad, just not sure if they were completely something I was proud of - honestly I had no idea what I was doing.  Then, last year Close To My Heart started packaging a "Kit of the Month" that was geared to card makers and scrapbookers.  When I started getting those, I would put together the scrapbook pages as well as the cards.  I kept looking at those blank pages thinking that they sure would look nice with some pictures.  This weekend was the Boneyard Creek Arts Festival here in the C-U area and thanks to my sister Amy who invited my to show some of my handmade goods, I have finally completed my first scrapbook pages with pictures.  I decided to make it a family layout with pictures I have of my dogs (since I have oodles and oodles of those kinds of pictures), and I have to say that I thought they turned out quite well.  They have made me ready to get my "dog" scrapbook rolling - I have been wanting to do one for years and have been collecting papers and embellishments to do so, but actually completing this first set of pages has me ready to try some more!  Thanks Amy for getting me started!

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