Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Time Flies

Well, once again time seems to be zipping right by.  My new and improved crafting space is getting so close to being done I can almost move in.  Floors are in and I have been doing a little touch up painting.  Once the trim is installed on 3 walls I can start moving in!  I have a new door to put in as well, but I can start getting things put away while that is being worked on.  I was at a weekend retreat recently and have some new cards I worked on while I was away - I will be sure to post pictures soon.

Sadly, last week my family suffered a terrible loss reminding me just how quickly time goes by.  Nathan and I have 2 wonderful dogs, Cheyenne and Austin.  These dogs complete our family and bring us great joy.  Last week, Cheyenne our beloved lab/sheppard mix became suddenly ill.  After 2 days at the vet, the diagnosis was grim - a cancerous tumor in her bladder that was affecting her kidneys.  It was a difficult decision to let her go, but we will always have our memories of her. 

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